
Provider of hybrid and coated alfalfa seeds throughout Iran

12-12-36 Fertilizer

Technical Specifications :


  • Ability to completely dissolve in water, without leaving any sediment or sediment
  • Can be used in a variety of pressurized irrigation systems
  • Free of pollutants such as lead, cadmium and mercury


  • Rich in potassium
  • Supply of phosphorus required during reproductive growth in plants such as pistachios and corn
  • Reducing annuals in orchards
  • Improving the function of the stomata and increasing the water holding capacity of plant tissue



Gruman complete fertilizer 12-12-36, produced from high quality and pure raw materials and is suitable for consumption during the reproductive growth period of horticultural, agricultural, flower and ornamental plants and greenhouses. The presence of high potassium along with phosphorus and chelated iron in this fertilizer helps to improve yield and improve product quality. Nitrogen in this fertilizer provides the necessary energy for plant metabolism during the fruiting period. 12-12-36 Mortar in the period of fruit growth and ripening with the aim of improving the quality, flavor and reducing cracking in the fruit and in orchards in early autumn to improve pollination and fruiting in the next season and increase plant tolerance to Use for colds and disease.



If you need advice, You can contact the experts through the following link in WhatsApp.

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